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- 10 rem look at this
- 20 rem 12/20/84
- 30 :
- 40 print"[147]":poke53280,1:poke53281,0
- 45 c$="[179][177][171][178]"
- 50 printchr$(14)
- 60 t$="[200]ave you ever wanted to make":gosub60000
- 62 t$="a programmer sick?":gosub60000
- 64 t$="[215]ell now you can!!":gosub60000:gosub61000
- 66 print""
- 68 t$="[211]creen [215]obble":gosub60000:print"[145][145]":t$="[163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163][163]":gosub60000
- 70 t$="[201]dea":gosub60000:t$="by":gosub60000:t$="[202]immy [215]eiler":gosub60000:print
- 72 t$="[205]achine [204]anguage [210]outine":gosub60000:t$="by":gosub60000
- 74 t$="[193]lan [199]ardner":gosub60000:gosub61000
- 80 print""
- 82 t$="[212]his program is designed to be fun.":gosub60000
- 84 t$="[201]t's also designed to drive people":gosub60000
- 86 t$="[195][160][210][160][193][160][218][160][217] ![160]![160]!":gosub60000:print
- 88 t$="[212]his program makes the whole screen":gosub60000
- 90 t$="shake and quiver like mad!":gosub60000
- 92 t$="[212]ry to write a serious program with":gosub60000
- 94 t$="this little jewel running!!":gosub60000:gosub61000
- 96 print""
- 98 t$="[212]o stop the action, type [211][217][211]49158.":gosub60000
- 100 t$="[212]o start the action, type [211][217][211]49152.":gosub60000
- 102 print:print
- 104 t$="[212]his program uses the files:":gosub60000
- 106 t$="[215][207][194].[201].[195]":gosub60000:t$="and":gosub60000:t$="[215][207][194][160][194][207][207][212]":gosub60000
- 108 print:print
- 110 t$="[215]e hope you enjoy it!!!":gosub60000
- 112 t$="[200][193], [200][193], [200][193]!!!":gosub60000:gosub61000
- 150 print""
- 152 print" 1. [210][213][206][160]'[211]creen [215]obble'"
- 154 print" 2. [210][197][212][213][210][206][160][212][207][160][204][207][193][196][211][212][193][210]"
- 156 print:print"[215]hich?";
- 158 poke198,0:wait198,1:getk$:ifk$<>"1"andk$<>"2"then158
- 160 printk$
- 165 print" ..... [204]oading ....."
- 170 ifk$="1"thenf$="wob boot"
- 180 ifk$="2"thenf$="hello"
- 190 print"[144]load"chr$(34)f$chr$(34)",8":print"run"
- 192 poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:end
- 60000 rem centering routine
- 60002 t=len(t$):t=20-t/2
- 60004 printtab(t)t$:print
- 60006 return
- 61000 rem wait for key
- 61002 s=65520:poke783,peek(783)and254
- 61004 poke781,24:poke782,14:syss:print"<press a key>"
- 61006 forx=1tolen(c$):d$=mid$(c$,x,1):poke781,24:poke782,12:syss:printd$""
- 61007 poke781,24:poke782,28:syss:printd$""
- 61008 nextx
- 61009 ifpeek(198)=0then61006
- 61010 getk$:print"[147]":return